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Audible // Alice in Wonderland // Integrated Campaign

Alicia En El País De Las Maravillas

MAKINE has been collaborating with Audible, Amazon’s audiobook and podcast service, and it has been a blast. For “Alice in Wonderland,” narrated by Mexican actress Aislinn Derbez, Audible was looking for a partner to help them reach the US Hispanic audience and other regions in LATAM.


Audible selected MAKINE, based on our body of work, to design a beautiful integrated campaign for the release of the great classic by Lewis Carroll “Alicia en el País de las Maravillas.” MAKINE jumped at the opportunity to work with such an innovative brand on this beloved story and in our native tongue, Español.


The design exploration was inspired by the cover of the audiobook and MAKINE, with a full suite of designers and animators, created a full 2D and cell animation infused original style, countless versions of the key art and other elements that complemented the campaign. From Google search components to talking points for the talent, MAKINE was able to help shape the messaging, resulting in a magical visual interpretation of the classic.



ALICIA :30 ss

VO: Te invitamos a recorrer uno de los viajes más celebrados de la literatura universal: Alicia en el País de las Maravillas.

FROM AUDIOBOOK: “Y se encontró cayendo por lo que parecía un pozo muy profundo. O el pozo era realmente profundo o ella caía muy despacio, porque mientras descendía tuvo tiempo de sobra para mirar a su alrededor, y para preguntarse qué iba a suceder después”

VO: La obra maestra de Lewis Carroll, narrada en español por la extraordinaria actriz Aislinn Derbez

Alicia en el País de las Maravillas. Escucha Ya. Exclusivo de Audible.